Saturday, January 28, 2017

Global Warming Essay

Global Warming Essay

Global warming is simply the biggest issue nowadays. It has an immense side effect on the planet, humankind, and our future. In this global warming essay, we will explain why it happens and what the effects are. We will add some prevention measures that should be applied as soon as possible.

Basics about global warming

You probably encountered this term many times, but you may still don’t know what it means. Global warming happens due to the greenhouse effect. In essence, carbon-dioxide and similar gases are trapped in the atmosphere. They make the atmosphere thicker and trap the temperature. The temperature rises, which is defined as global warming. Keep in mind that the entire planet is affected by this effect, even areas where the temperature is extremely low.

Causes of global warming

There are 2 main reasons why this happens. Sadly, both of them are huge and they have a severe effect on the planet. Furthermore, they have been causing global warming since the beginning of XX century. They are:

Deforestation – Destroying forests across the planet, in order to obtain wood and usable space is the primary reason for global warming. Each day, millions of trees are cut and destroyed. Each one requires several decades to grow, but we destroy it in a matter of minutes.Industrial emissions – Factories around the globe have a negative effect on the environment. Most of them produce carbon-dioxide, especially those that use some form of heat and produce smoke. In addition, energy production also causes carbon-dioxide emissions.


Global warming affects the entire planet and it causes many severe issues that are extremely difficult to solve. Even if we stop all CO2 emissions today, it wouldn’t instantly stop global warming and its dangerous effects.

Climate change – As the result of global warming, the average temperature increases. It results in increased number of extreme weather conditions.

The water level will be increased – Due to a higher temperature, polar caps (Antarctic and Arctic) will melt. They are melting already. This is the main reason why the sea level will be increased.

The health of the humans – Humans will start to suffer from tropical diseases and hunger. This is also happening right now, but in the future, it will be increased.

Prevention of the global warming

In order to prevent or at least slow down global warming, there are some measures that should be taken.
Planting trees is the first and the most important way. This also means that we have to stop destroying forests.

Reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. We have to close old factories, start use alternative energy sources and reduce the number of cars.

The final thought

The most important thing to remember is that global warming is happening right now and it must be stopped. It won’t be too late if the entire human race starts protecting the planet. If not, we have no future!
